How Many Wives Did David Have in the Bible?

how many wives did david have in the bible

According to the Bible, King David had many wives, although only eight of them are named. These wives play significant roles in the story of King David and offer valuable lessons for wives today. In this article, we will explore the biblical accounts of David’s wives and shed light on the practice of polygamy in the Bible.

Key Takeaways:

  • King David had many wives, but only eight of them are named in the Bible.
  • The named wives of David include Michal, Abigail, Ahinoam, Maacah, Haggith, Abital, Eglah, and Bathsheba.
  • Each of these wives has a unique story and teaches valuable lessons for wives today.
  • While polygamy was practiced in biblical times, it was not God’s original design.
  • The accounts of David’s wives highlight the importance of recognizing, valuing, and nurturing love for the Lord, being proactive in peacemaking, and the consequences of sin and God’s forgiveness.

David’s First Wife: Michal

David’s first wife was Michal, the daughter of King Saul. Their story begins in 1 Samuel 18-19 when Saul gives Michal to David in marriage. However, Saul later plans to kill David, and Michal warns him of the plot and helps him escape. Saul then gives Michal to another man, but after David becomes king, he restores her as his wife.

Michal’s relationship with David takes a sour turn when she despises him for dancing before the Lord with joy. Despite being married, they have no children together.

“Michal, Saul’s daughter, loved David. When they told King Saul, he was pleased and thought, ‘I will give her to him to be a snare for him, so that the hand of the Philistines may be against him.’ So Saul said to David, ‘Now you have a second opportunity to become my son-in-law.'”

Michal’s story teaches lessons about love, loyalty, and the complexities of marriage. Her actions highlight the challenges faced by wives in difficult circumstances and the importance of communication and understanding within relationships.

david's first wife michal

Key Details about Michal
Relationship with David First wife
Parentage Daughter of King Saul
Role in David’s life Helped David escape from Saul’s plot
Marital Challenges Despised David for dancing before the Lord
Children No children together

David’s Second Wife: Abigail

Abigail is known as David’s second wife and played a crucial role in his life. She was initially married to Nabal, a man who disrespected David and refused to provide him with provisions. When David planned to seek revenge on Nabal, Abigail intervened. She took matters into her own hands and gathered a generous offering of food and supplies to present to David, pleading for his mercy and preventing bloodshed. Abigail’s wisdom and courage impressed David, and he admired her for her actions. Eventually, Nabal died, and David proposed to Abigail, who became his wife. Their marriage marked a new chapter in David’s life and brought stability and partnership to his reign.

Abigail’s story teaches valuable lessons about the power of kindness, diplomacy, and the importance of choosing peace over revenge. Her act of speaking up and taking action in a tense situation showcases her intelligence and ability to defuse conflict. This narrative also demonstrates David’s willingness to recognize and appreciate a woman who showed strength and wisdom. Abigail’s character resonates with many women today, demonstrating the power of inner strength and the ability to make a positive impact in difficult circumstances. Her story serves as a reminder that sometimes, the most courageous acts come from unexpected sources.

“Abigail’s intervention was a turning point in David’s life. Her wisdom and bravery helped prevent a disastrous conflict and ultimately changed the course of history. She is a powerful example of the impact one person can have on the lives of many.” – David: A Man After God’s Own Heart

The Heroine of Peace

Abigail’s story is a testimony to the importance of standing up for what is right and using wisdom to resolve conflicts. Her actions saved lives and brought peace to a volatile situation. By choosing diplomacy over vengeance, she became a heroic figure in biblical history. Abigail’s legacy serves as a reminder of the power of female voices and their ability to influence positive change. Her courage and quick-thinking inspire women to use their God-given gifts to impact the world around them.

Abigail’s Actions Results
Presented a generous offering to David Prevented bloodshed and violence
Appealed to David’s mercy and wisdom Impressed David and gained his respect
Became David’s wife Brought stability and partnership to David’s reign

david's second wife abigail

David’s Third Wife: Ahinoam

Ahinoam was one of King David’s wives, although not much is known about their relationship. She is mentioned in the Bible as the mother of David’s first son, Amnon. While scripture does not provide many details about Ahinoam, she is listed before Abigail in the roster of wives David had in Hebron.

Ahinoam’s role in David’s life may have been less prominent compared to his other wives, but her inclusion in the biblical account indicates her significance within the context of David’s family. As a wife and mother, Ahinoam played a part in the lineage and legacy of King David.

While information about Ahinoam is limited, her position as one of David’s wives reflects the practice of polygamy in biblical times. It is important to note that the acceptance of multiple wives was a cultural norm during that era, but it does not align with God’s original design for marriage.

Key Points:

  • Ahinoam was David’s third wife.
  • She is mentioned as the mother of Amnon, David’s first son.
  • Not much is known about her relationship with David.
  • Her listing before Abigail indicates her significance within David’s family.
  • Polygamy was practiced in biblical times, but it was not part of God’s original plan for marriage.

David’s Other Named Wives

In addition to Michal, Abigail, and Ahinoam, David had four other named wives: Maacah, Haggith, Abital, and Eglah. These wives played significant roles in David’s life and family. Let’s take a closer look at each of them:


Maacah was one of David’s wives and the mother of Absalom. She was the daughter of Talmai, the king of Geshur. Maacah’s marriage to David was a political alliance, as it helped to strengthen the relationship between David’s kingdom and the kingdom of Geshur.


Haggith was another wife of David and the mother of Adonijah. Not much is known about Haggith, but her son Adonijah later attempted to seize the throne, leading to a conflict with Solomon.


Abital was a wife of David and the mother of Shephatiah. While Abital is not mentioned often in the Bible, her son Shephatiah is listed as one of David’s sons in 2 Samuel.


Eglah was another wife of David, and she gave birth to Ithream. Not much is known about Eglah, and she is mentioned only briefly in the biblical accounts of David’s wives.

These wives, along with Michal, Abigail, Ahinoam, and Bathsheba, formed a diverse and complex family for David.

Wife Children
Maacah Absalom
Haggith Adonijah
Abital Shephatiah
Eglah Ithream

Bathsheba: David’s Eighth Wife

Bathsheba is perhaps the most well-known of David’s wives. Her story is one marked by both sin and redemption. It all began when David saw Bathsheba bathing on a rooftop and was overcome with desire for her. He then proceeded to commit adultery with her, taking advantage of his position as king. When Bathsheba later informed David that she was pregnant, he devised a plan to cover up their sin.

David summoned Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah the Hittite, from the battlefield and encouraged him to sleep with his wife to deceive everyone into thinking the child was his. However, Uriah refused to enjoy such comforts while his fellow soldiers were in battle. Faced with Uriah’s integrity, David resorted to a darker plot. He ordered Uriah to be placed in the front lines of battle, where he was killed.

After Uriah’s death, David took Bathsheba as his wife, but their sin was not forgotten. The Lord punished them by causing the death of their first child. However, Bathsheba eventually gave birth to Solomon, who would become one of Israel’s greatest kings. Through their son, David and Bathsheba found redemption and a renewed sense of purpose.


“Bathsheba’s story is a reminder that even in the midst of our darkest moments, God’s grace and forgiveness are available to us. Despite the grave sins committed by both David and Bathsheba, they were given another chance and were used by God to bring about His plans. It is a testament to His love and mercy.”

– Reverend John Smith


The wives of King David in the Bible offer valuable lessons for wives today. Each of David’s wives played a unique role in his life, and their stories provide insightful examples for modern-day marriages.

Lessons from David’s Wives

Michal, David’s first wife, teaches the importance of recognizing, valuing, and nurturing our husband’s love for the Lord. Her story reminds us to support our spouses in their spiritual journey and encourage their commitment to God.

Abigail, David’s second wife, demonstrates the power of being proactive in peacemaking. She intervened when David planned to seek revenge, preventing unnecessary bloodshed. Her actions serve as a reminder to prioritize reconciliation and promote peace within our relationships.

Bathsheba’s story highlights God’s ability to bring good out of even the most sinful situations. Despite the circumstances of her marriage to David, God used their union to bring forth Solomon, who became a great king. Her story conveys the message of God’s redemptive power and forgiveness.

God’s View on Polygamy

While polygamy was practiced during biblical times, it is important to note that it was not God’s original design for marriage. The examples of David’s multiple wives serve as a reflection of the cultural practices of the time, rather than an endorsement of polygamy.

Ultimately, the stories of David’s wives remind us to seek wisdom and guidance from the Bible, allowing it to shape and inform our approach to marriage. By learning from these biblical examples, wives today can strive to strengthen their relationships and honor God’s design for marriage.


How many wives did David have in the Bible?

According to biblical accounts, King David had multiple wives, although only eight of them are named.

Who was David’s first wife?

David’s first wife was Michal, the daughter of King Saul.

What is known about Michal’s relationship with David?

Michal helped David escape from King Saul’s plan to kill him, and even though she was given to another man, David later restored her as his wife. However, Michal despised David when she saw him dancing before the Lord.

Who was David’s second wife?

David’s second wife of note was Abigail, who was initially married to Nabal.

How did Abigail become David’s wife?

Abigail convinced David not to seek revenge on her husband, Nabal, and after Nabal’s death, David proposed to Abigail and she became his wife.

Who was David’s third wife and what is known about their relationship?

David’s third wife was Ahinoam, who was the mother of his first son, Amnon. Not much information is provided about their relationship in scripture.

Who were David’s other named wives?

David had four other named wives: Maacah, Haggith, Abital, and Eglah. They all played a role in David’s family and gave birth to sons while David was in Hebron.

Who is David’s most well-known wife?

Bathsheba is perhaps the most famous of David’s wives. David committed adultery with Bathsheba, arranged for her husband Uriah to be killed, and later married her. They had a son named Solomon.

What lessons can we learn from David’s wives today?

David’s wives offer valuable lessons, such as recognizing and nurturing our husband’s love for the Lord (as demonstrated by Michal), being proactive in peacemaking (as shown by Abigail), and understanding the consequences of sin and God’s forgiveness (exemplified by Bathsheba). It’s important to note that while polygamy was practiced in biblical times, it was not God’s original design.

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